We, human beings tend to forget how far we have comeas a species in a relatìvely short periof of time. It was only in the 1870s, when we had the first house that was lighted with electricity. Cars just started to becomr available 100 years ago. Charles Lindbergh made the first trans Atlantic flight in 1927. Television didn't become widely available until after Word War 2. In other world, the advances humankind has made in a relatively short period of time have Bin nothing short of Extraordinary. perhaps just as extraordinary is how we tend to simple adapt to these incredible changes not realizing how competely our world has been altered in a short span of time. With that in mind, it is worth looking back at some of the amazing scientific advances we have made in the last few decades.....
There is nathing that piques the interest of a human being quite as much as the prospect of living a longer life. implanting a person with an artificial heart in 1982 was an extraordinary step towards increasing be human life span. A Seattle based dentist , Dr. Barney Clark, was thr first person implanted with the jarvik-7, an Artificial heart intended to last a lifetime. The Jarvil-7 Artificial heart was designed by Robert jarvik. Though the patient survived of artificial organs will likely allow us Tu you live mass longer and more productive lives when we get there we will owe a lot to Robert Jarvik's artificial hart.
There is nathing that piques the interest of a human being quite as much as the prospect of living a longer life. implanting a person with an artificial heart in 1982 was an extraordinary step towards increasing be human life span. A Seattle based dentist , Dr. Barney Clark, was thr first person implanted with the jarvik-7, an Artificial heart intended to last a lifetime. The Jarvil-7 Artificial heart was designed by Robert jarvik. Though the patient survived of artificial organs will likely allow us Tu you live mass longer and more productive lives when we get there we will owe a lot to Robert Jarvik's artificial hart.
First develop world
Reviewed by Magic words
November 02, 2019

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